Welcome to Edmonton Rangers Youth FC

Edmonton Rangers Youth F.C. invites you to join the club as a squad member of the team for your age group, which will play in the Watford Friendly League. Please read these instructions carefully and return the requested information and payment. 

  1. Complete and return the ‘Application for Membership Form’

  2. Two identical recent official passport size photographs of the player, for league registration purposes, with the name of your child printed in BLOCK CAPITALS on the back. (No headwear to be worn in photos).

  3. 1 photocopy of the players, Birth Certificate, Passport or NHS Card for League registration purposes, UNLESS already a currently registered player.

  4. Subs for season 2024/25 will be £250 for U/7, U/8 & U/9 and £275 for U-10 to U-16.

    1. A minimum 50% payment is to be made upon registration with the full balance due by the end of September. There is a £20 discount if subs are paid in full upon registration.

    2. Cheques are to be made payable to Edmonton Rangers Youth FC.

    3. Bank Transfer to: HSBC Bank, Account No: 91878018, Sort Code: 40-20-23 please provide child’s name and team as a reference).

    4. Payment can also be made by debit/credit card at our registration events.

    5. There is also a £30 discount for a sibling joining the club, please advise what team he/she is in.

  5. I understand and agree that the club will have the right to temporarily withdraw my son’s card until such payments have been made. Any cheques not honoured will incur a £10 surcharge to your registration fee.

  6. Player & Parent/Guardian/Carer should both sign & return this form.


For new players joining the club, a copy of club constitution and rules can be downloaded here.

Membership will entitle each player to the following:

  1. Use of 1 playing kit / Weekly training sessions / Matches / Pitch Fees

  2. League registration / affiliation fee / insurance

  3. U10 age groups and above will be entitled to a qualified referee for matches

  4. Each player will receive a free ticket for our medal presentation and each player will receive at least one trophy

NOT included: the cost of any fine a player may incur by being booked or sent off. These must be paid by the player’s parents/guardians.

In order to control costs and keep membership fees at a reasonable level, we re-use kit and equipment, therefore all club clothing and playing equipment will remain the property of the club and should be returned on demand, when a player leaves the club or at the end of each season. Losses or unreturned kit will need to be replaced at cost to the player/parent/guardian.

The annual club subscription fee is non-refundable.  

As the season draws to a close our minds turn to the coming season and registering our teams so they can continue to play next season.


This year the club will hold a number of registration sessions which proved very successful in previous years.


The subs for the 2024/25 season will be as follows:


·      U7, U8 and U9’s - £250

·      U10 – U18’s - £250 if paid in full before the end of August (£275 if paid after that date)


To register you will have to pay a minimum of 50% of the above subs.  The remainder will be due by the end of September 2024 (If you are using this method you can leave a post dated cheque(s) for any balance).  Please note that player’s registration cards may be withdrawn if any outstanding balance is not paid by the due date. 


There is also a discount of £30 for anyone who has a sibling playing in another Edmonton Rangers Youth FC team.  


Methods of payment available will be by debit card, cheque , cash or bank transfer (to HSBC Bank, Account No. 91878018, Sort Code 40-20-23, please provide child’s name and team as a reference),.


Please also ensure that you bring 2 new passport style photos (please note that the league require new photos and will not accept the same ones as last year).  New players will also need to bring a copy of their birth certificate, passport or NHS card for registering with the league.